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Assembly Source File
150 lines
; Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Ted Gruber Software. All rights reserved.
; Prototype
; void copytile (int tile_number, int column, int row, int page);
; Description
; Copy a 16x16 tile from a fixed position to the specified row and column.
; Tiles must be aligned on video memory doublewords (i.e., multiples of 16
; horizontal pixels).
; This is a specialized version of fg_transfer() that can be used in the
; QuickFire demo program. The source and destination video addresses for
; each tile are computed in advance (see the Addr256 macro below). While
; it is not a general version of such a function, it should be fairly easy
; to tailor this function to your specific application's needs.
; Parameters
; tile_number The tile number to transfer, between 0 and 255.
; column The source column number, between 0 and 21.
; row The source row number, between 0 and 14.
; page The "page" defining the region for the destination row
; and column. It must be 0 or 1.
; Return value
; none
; Restrictions
; This function is designed to work with in real mode with the medium or
; large memory models only.
; This function supports mode X only (Fastgraph's modes 20 to 23).
; The calling program must have called fg_resize(352,727) to change the
; video page dimensions to 352x727. The upper 352x240 area is considered
; "page 0" and the 352x240 area that follows is considered "page 1".
arg1 equ [bp+6] ; address of tile_number parameter
arg2 equ [bp+8] ; address of column parameter
arg3 equ [bp+10] ; address of row parameter
arg4 equ [bp+12] ; address of page parameter
CT_TEXT SEGMENT byte public 'CODE'
_copytile PROC far
PUBLIC _copytile
push bp ; save caller's BP register
mov bp,sp ; make BP point to argument list
push di ; save caller's DI register
push si ; save caller's SI register
cld ; set the direction flag to forward
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax ; point ES to start of video memory
mov dx,03CEh ; port address for graphics controller index
mov ax,0008h ; use latches and ignore CPU data
out dx,ax ; send the request
mov dl,0C4h ; port address for sequence controller index
mov ax,0F02h ; mask to enable all four bit planes
out dx,ax ; send the request
push ds ; save caller's data segment
push es
pop ds ; point DS to start of video memory
mov ax,arg1 ; AX = source tile number
lea bx,srce256 ; point BX to address table for source tiles
shl ax,1 ; convert tile number to table offset
add bx,ax ; point BX to entry for specified tile
mov si,cs:[bx] ; DS:SI = video address for source tile
mov ax,arg3 ; AL = destination row number
mov ah,22 ; AH = number of tiles per row
mul ah
add ax,arg2 ; AX = destination tile number
lea bx,dest256 ; assume we'll transfer from upper page
mov dx,arg4 ; DX = page number (0=upper, 1=lower)
neg dx ; DX = 0 if upper page, FFFFh if lower
and dx,22*15*2 ; DX = offset to upper or lower table
add bx,dx ; point BX to address table for dest tiles
shl ax,1 ; convert tile number to table offset
add bx,ax ; point BX to entry for specified tile
mov di,cs:[bx] ; ES:DI = video address for destination tile
xor ch,ch ; zero CH
mov ax,352/4-4 ; AX = offset to first tile in next row
mov cl,4 ; four bytes represent 16 pixels
rep movsb ; transfer all 16 pixels of this row
add si,ax ; point source address to next row
add di,ax ; point destination address to next row
pop ds ; restore original data segment
mov dx,03CEh ; port address for graphics controller index
mov ax,0FF08h ; set all bits in the bit mask register
out dx,ax ; send the request
xor ax,ax ; in case copytile was called as a function
pop si ; restore caller's SI register
pop di ; restore caller's DI register
pop bp ; restore caller's BP register
ret ; return to the caller
_copytile ENDP
Addr256 MACRO start, columns, rows
address = start
REPT rows
REPT columns
dw address
address = address + 4
address = (address - 4*columns) + 352/4*16
srce256: Addr256 352/4*480,20,12 ; source tile addresses
dest256: Addr256 0,22,15 ; destination tile addresses (upper page)
Addr256 352/4*240,22,15 ; destination tile addresses (lower page)